Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mark September 9 on your calendars

Seriously. I make a lot of music recommendations, and many of you do not take them seriously. Many of you have abandoned Y...Y,TiF! But I hold no grudge. Just let it be known that I am now blogging in earnest. And have an idea for some stories. Which may appear in this space. I'll tell you what: if you get somebody else to read this blog (along with you, we're not a zero-sum enterprise here), you'll get a free gift. 

But back to the music recommendations. If you have not heard of The Broken West, you should be slapped in the face with a powder-white glove. Their album "I Can't Go On I'll Go On" is simply one great song after another. And if you don't like one great song after another, then I cannot help you. Seriously, what's wrong with you.

Mark September 9 down on your calendars because that's when the new Broken West album will drop. I'm counting the days down. 

1 comment:

Kami said...

it pleases me greatly that you are BLOGGING again. thank you! love you