Kami got pink eye in both eyes. So Kami got pink eyes. Then she gave it to me. I went to the doctor and was given a prescription to put ointment in my eyes. In my eyes. Kami had to do it last night and I thought "At least I don't have to do that." Then I go and get the ointment myself. I hate putting things near my eyes. So the only way this could be worse was to have a monkey put the ointment in my eyes on a bridge. Do you miss me, Miss Misery, like you say you do...
At least I'm home all weekend. Last weekend of the MLB regular season. USC loses last night. Georgia and Alabama tomorrow night. Now if only I can get this ointment in.
My Wife Almost Left Me (And Still Might)
10 months ago
That sucks. Hope you heal up soon.
You should try the 'Friends' approach.
Kami will know what that is. =)
If it was only drops, that'd be one thing. But it's gel. Thick, dougie dougie thick and fudgy gel.
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