I challenge you to name one country song that is not (a) sad, (b) depressing, (c) hokey (She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy comes to mind).
We're currently watching what I presume to be the Country Music Awards and Carrie Underwood, Secretary of Estrogen, is singing about how "this can't be happening to me." I don't know about you, but I listen to music generally to get away from being sad and wanting to cry. Sure, when it's cloudy and snowing, I'll throw on some - wow, Vince Gill looks like Lance Berkman! - Travis or Nick Drake. But come on. I'm depressed enough.
Yet it's interesting - the topical similarities between country and rap. Think about it and - this is a generalization, I realize - country's subject matter deals with how things cannot possibly worse. Rap's subject matter - again, a realization - tells you things can always get better.
Sometime soon we'll discuss the meteorological implications of East Coast vs. West Coast rap.
My Wife Almost Left Me (And Still Might)
10 months ago
Give me some Pat Green (pre 2000). He's always putting the whiskey away by the end of the song because his girl is headed home. Or singing about dancing, beer, and tacos. Nothin' hokey about those things...
I agree with your general generalization (what?)....
That's true. Pat Green's songs enjoy closure by the end of the song - and that closure is generally a good thing. Pat Green's closure doesn't have anything to do with the repossession of a house, the descending of a coffin, or the death of a family pet.
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