Sunday, January 4, 2009

On eating solely vegetables

Alright, so here's a little confession I need to make.

Remember the week of Thanksgiving I posted a blog detailing my decision early last year to stop eating meat. I equated it to Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus. I gave you statistical nuggets about the small percentage of Americans who do not eat meat, and then used this nugget to beat my own chest - a la Kobe Bryant - as I ran down the court toward another plate of green beans.

Then we all went to New York City. At a TGI Friday's on Broadway (Mistake #1) I was faced with the choice of buying a $16 salad or not eating. Then a third option popped up: eat the chicken fingers for $3 more. I ate the chicken fingers.

As I ate Poultry Phalangee, I discovered something awful: it was glorious. I hoped I would get sick, just as a way of reinforcing my decision. Instead, my gastronomic territory treated it as such:

So then we had a pot roast for Christmas Eve. And then some roast beef on Christmas Day. And now I'm a recovering vegetarian. I know I judged you for eating meat. Please don't return the favor.


Aaron said...

Oh I don't judge, as you very well know. I encourage it.

Just think what a Storm's special would taste like after that much time off...

Nathan said...

You went to NYC....and decided to eat at Fridays?

This is what you should be judged for.

James said...


That's absolutely true.